Jared Kushner Revealed One Of Trump’s Chiefs Of Staff Secretly Listened In On All Of Donald’s Calls Until The Day They Left The White House, And Trump Was Furious When He Found Out

Trump was NOT a happy camper!

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Jared Kushner’s new tell-all memoir is already spilling some scalding tea on the inner workings and goings-on of his father-in-law’s White House — including the bits and pieces that Donald himself apparently wasn’t a fan of.

For the guy who “only hires the best,” Donald Trump was known for a ridiculously high turnover across the board throughout his entire presidential administration. As such, the man went through quite a few chiefs of staff during his time in the White House. But according to his son-in-law’s new tell-all, there was one chief of staff that Trump ended up a bit extra unhappy with, upon learning that the guy had been secretly listening in on all of his phone calls until the day he was replaced and left the White House.

The New York Post is out with new reporting on the revelation from Kushner’s book that exposed former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly’s apparent habit of eavesdropping on all of Donald Trump’s phone calls — a habit that Trump himself was apparently unaware of until Kelly’s replacement, Mick Mulvaney, informed him of such just ahead of a  Dec. 28, 2018, dinner at Mike Pence’s residence.

Kushner writes in his memoir, “Before we departed, Mulvaney and I met with the president to discuss his upcoming schedule. Then Mulvaney handed Trump a document to sign.”

Kushner goes on to write that Mulvaney told Trump, “This will end the practice Kelly started of listening to all of your phone calls.”

According to Jared’s book, Breaking History, that’s set for release later this month, the big guy was absolutely furious upon learning that Kelly had been secretly listening in on all of his phone calls.

Kushner writes, “‘Kelly did what?’ the president asked, stunned at the invasion of privacy. ‘End that immediately.'”

Past reports have indicated that Trump encouraged anyone who was contacting him to avoid the White House switchboard, if possible, as he apparently already had suspicions that his chief of staff was listening in. However, up until Kushner’s bombshell tell-all, there hadn’t been any solid confirmation that John Kelly was actually running surveillance on the sitting president.

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While Kelly has not personally responded to requests for comments on the explosive allegations from Kushner’s book, a different former Trump White House official spoke with the New York Post and said they found it “crazy” for Trump to believe that no one across the West Wing of the White House was listening in when he took phone calls on the landline.

Read the full report here.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
