Little Miss “Christan Family Values” Lauren Boebert Reportedly Hasn’t Shown Up For Her Own Son’s Court Dates, Yet Skipped Congress To Support Trump

You should really check your priorities, Lauren.

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Controversial Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is notorious for spouting off about “Christian Family Values” — while simultaneously being a middle-aged divorcee with a criminal record who goes to second base with her random dates at a family-friendly theater, whose now ex-husband was once arrested for exposing his genitals to young ladies at a bowling alley, and whose teen son got his teen girlfriend knocked up out of wedlock and then ended up arrested himself for a slew of charges, including identity theft, all in connection to a string of thefts and break-ins in their area.

That same congresswoman who touts those “Christian Family Values” as reasons to deny women healthcare or deny the LGBTQIA+ community equal rights in this country is now under some serious scrutiny as she hauled her hind end all the way up to New York to show her support in person for her Dear Leader Donald Trump — who is quite literally on trial for paying his alleged mistress hush money payments so she wouldn’t tell the world about him cheating on his wife while she was at home with their newborn baby — yet she has apparently failed to show up to a single one of her son’s court hearings.

Tyler Boebert has found himself in a courtroom twice now, in connection to his variety of charges for breaking into locals’ cars and stealing money and debit/credit cards, then using those cards for a little shopping spree around the local gas stations and convenience stores. Both times, Tyler openly whined to the judge about not having an attorney because it seemed he apparently couldn’t afford one and was instead trying to go through the process of obtaining a free public defender.

Tyler’s mom made headlines this week over her overly dramatic display of support for scandal-plagued former President Trump where she joined a gaggle of Freedom Caucus loyalists outside the Manhattan, New York courthouse where his infamous Stormy Daniels Hush Money trial is currently underway.

Lauren personally posted footage of her courthouse hissy fit on X (formerly known as Twitter) with the caption, “I’ll never stop standing up for President Trump, even if I’m the last one standing.”

Yet her criminal teen son has had not one, but two court dates now — one on April 11 and another on May 9 — on his charges including the criminal possession of identity documents, criminal trespass, and possession of a financial device and reports have confirmed his mommy hasn’t shown up to either one.

According to records, Lauren was busy in Congress voting against the passage of the Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance and Rehabilitation Act during her son’s first court date in April. However, Daily Mail reported that Lauren was nowhere to be found for her son’s second court hearing last week, either. Local reports coming straight out of Colorado further confirmed that there was no sign of Lauren Boebert during her son’s hearing and she was not visible at any point on a video feed of the proceedings.

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At both the April hearing and the hearing last week, Tyler has informed the judge that he does not have legal representation and is finding it very difficult to afford a private attorney financially.

When the news of Tyler’s arrest first broke, Lauren Boebert released a statement saying: “It breaks my heart to see my child struggling and, in this situation, especially when he has been provided multiple opportunities to get his life on track.”

She further added that her son should be held accountable for “poor decisions just like any other citizen.”

Obviously, those standards that she applies to her own child don’t apply to Donald Trump.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
