People Brutally Mock Ted Cruz’s Reason For A Possible 2024 Presidential Run

Uh, come again?

565 points

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, in all his Trump-loving, Cancun-going glory, said today that he is actually apparently floating the idea of a 2024 presidential run on the Republican ticket — which would, of course, put him running against Donald Trump once again.

Cruz made the revelation on a segment with Newsmax, where he claimed he’s “certainly looking” at running for president a second time, which is bad enough in and of itself. But it was the Texas GOP senator’s reasoning behind his potential second run that had people holding their sides in laughter and burying the nitwit in mockery.

According to Cruz, whose campaign was a complete bust back in 2016, the year was still somehow “the most fun I’ve ever had in my life” — and social media is giving him the side-eye.

Now, no one will soon forget how Donald Trump treated Cruz during the 2016 election cycle — mocking and bullying his wife’s physical appearance and suggesting that Cruz’s father had something to do with John F. Kennedy’s assassination. So, if Cruz calls that the most fun he’s ever had in his life, I’d hate to see what he does in the bedroom.

As you’d expect, Twitter did what they do best with Cruz’s statement:

Buddy, this is weird. Even for you.

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