People Respond To Melania’s Post On Twitter Bragging About Watching A Movie With Black Children: “You’re Married To A White Supremacist”

You don't get to do that.

628 points

I just want to take a moment to remind everyone that Melania Trump is not an innocent soul simply along for the ride on her husband’s hellish presidency. She’s a big, fat racist birther just the same as Donald is.

She proved as much way back in 2011 when she made an appearance on the Joy Behar Show and peddled the conspiracy theory, fully backed by her husband, that then-president Barack Obama was not born in the state of Hawaii, despite birth records that prove he was.

“It’s not only Donald who wants to see [Obama’s birth certificate], it’s American people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for him. They want to see that,” Melania declared during the interview all those years ago.

When she was informed by the show’s host that Obama’s birth certificate had, in fact, been on display and spread all over the internet, the soon-to-be First Lady only doubled down on the conspiracy theory and proclaimed, “We feel it’s different than a birth certificate.”

Melania Trump hasn’t changed a bit since that 2011 interview — don’t think for a moment that she has — and neither has her husband.

That’s why social media users across the nation and around the world had no love for Melania when she posted a tweet today in which she essentially bragged about hosting a movie date with African American kids at the White House in celebration of Black History Month:

However, knowing full well how Melania and her husband actually treat people of color through the actions of their administration, policies, and legislation, social media users were far from impressed:

Your husband just awarded a white supremacist the Presidential Medal of Freedom and you are literally an immigrant that somehow still hates immigrants. Sit the fuck down, Mel.

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