Reporter Asks Press Secretary Jen Psaki Whether The Biden’s Dog Will Be Euthanized After Biting Incident

You have GOT to be kidding me.

598 points

As I’m sure you’ve seen today, President Joe Biden’s “First Dog” Major Biden has found himself in the spotlight of today’s news cycle thanks to an apparent “aggressive incident.”

CNN reported this morning that the youngest of the two Biden pooches had what one White House insider described as a “biting incident” with a member of White House security, resulting in the two dogs being returned to the Biden family home in Delaware last week. The report noted that the condition of the employee affected by the incident was still unknown, but the situation was bad enough that the dogs were removed from the White House and returned to Wilmington, Deleware where they’re currently residing.

Earlier today, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed the news without naming the individual who was affected:

[Champ and Major] are still getting acclimated and accustomed to their surroundings and new people. And on Monday, the first family’s younger dog, Major, was surprised by an unfamiliar person and reacted in a way that resulted in a minor injury to the individual.”

All in all, the whole ordeal was barely newsworthy. Major is a dog, not a human, and dogs react in different ways when they’re in different environments. But tell that to the Conservative news crowd.

During this afternoon’s press briefing, the New York Post brought up the situation with Psaki once again, this time daring to ask whether or not the pooch would be euthanized over the ordeal.

To say the very least, pretty much no one in the social media universe was impressed with the question:

Y’all really don’t have anything better to do, do you?

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