“Stable Genius” Trump Once Said: “Belgium Is A Beautiful City”

When the stupid is so strong it literally hurts...

556 points

There are a lot of descriptors out there that fit Donald Trump to a “T” — misogynistic, racist, xenophobic, sexist, egotistical, stupid as HELL — but if ever there was a descriptor that was so far off the mark from Donnie that he couldn’t even find it on a map, it’s “smart.”

If you were to ask Trump himself, he’d tell you he’s the smartest man to ever live. Seriously, there’s never been a single thing in the history of ever that a person could know that he doesn’t know. He knows everything. All of it. Even the things that haven’t happened yet, he knows.

Hell, honestly, you don’t even have to ask him. He’s made the declaration countless times over the past few years and I’m willing to bet that not once, not ever, has someone approached him with any variation of the question, “How smart are you?”

Frankly, who needs to ask? The moment he opens his mouth, he removes all doubt pertaining to his painful, unrivaled stupidity.

The worst part of it is, I don’t really think anyone’s ever told him how ridiculously idiotic he is.

The fact of the matter is, Trump’s been this stupid for a really, really long time. It’s become a thing at this point. Gas stations have literally offered free gas on days that Donald doesn’t say something profoundly stupid — a deal they’ll never have to make good on because it always happens. Never fails.

Honestly, there’s a whole lot to choose from to make my point here. But probably my most favorite was the brilliant trolling executed by Trump’s 2016 Democratic presidential rival, Hillary Clinton.

See, Donald has this pesky little thing with geography. He doesn’t ever seem to really know where or what anything is. Dude legitimately thought the Kansas City Chiefs hail from the state of Kansas.

But way back before he managed to weasel his way into the presidency, Trump didn’t seem to know that Belgium is a country,  not a city.

The hilarious video from Clinton opened with the text, “A message from your possible next president on: Geography” before featuring a clip of Trump saying “Belgium is a beautiful city.”

What makes this particular gaffe all the better? (Or worse, depending on how you look at it.) Trump’s little geographical fuck up came on the heels of him referring to the “city” of Belgium as a “hellhole.”

This is one of those instances where someone’s stupidity is so extreme, so all-encompassing, that it literally hurts a little.

Featured image via screen capture 

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