Trump Apparently Stole The Spotlight With An Unhinged, Lie-Filled Rant At Kimberly Guilfoyle’s Alleged Birthday Party, In New Video Spreading Like Wildfire

He seriously has NO shame.

647 points

Despite all his scandal and legal peril these days, disgraced former President Donald Trump is still doing his best to live it up at his equally scandal-ridden Mar-A-Lago resort, every chance he gets — even if it means he’s stealing all the thunder from one of his biggest supporters and a member of his own family. Well… Sort of, anyway.

New video footage is spreading like wildfire across social media as we speak that allegedly shows disgraced, scandal-ridden former President Donald Trump hogging up the mic and the guests’ attention at his Mar-a-Lago resort, during what seems to be a birthday party extravaganza for his not-quite daughter-in-law Kimberly Guilfoyle.

Guilfoyle, the girlfriend of eldest Trump spawn Don Jr. and former Fox News Network talking head, saw her 54th birthday on the 9th of this month, and it seems she unsurprisingly celebrated her most recent lap around the sun with a big birthday bash at Daddy Trump’s Palm Beach golf resort turned post-White House personal residence.

Footage from the event was quick to surface across social media, but it was one particular portion of the evening that really caught peoples’ attention when we saw Trump essentially stealing the stage and the thunder from the birthday girl, so he could give attendees a good ole fashioned, lie-filled election rant.

Social media had plenty of thoughts on the whole ordeal:

He can’t even let his own son’s girlfriend have her birthday party, for Christ’s sake.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
