Trump Appears To Blow Off Reporter That Asked Him If He’s Sending Mixed Messages Regarding COVID-19 Virus: “Just Take It Nice And Easy, Just Relax”


642 points

NBC White House correspondent Kelly O’Donnell had a question for our stable genius president today during a press conference that was supposed to be held by Vice President Mike Pence, who is the former frozen steak salesman’s Coronavirus Czar. Of course, Donald Trump has avoided the word czar in appointing the former Indiana governor to the job, but that’s what Pence is now. The presser was farcical at best, with team Trump standing close to each other. At the same time, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson coughed, then touched his sleepy face.

But, the presser was good for the public if only to display what not to do while we’re going through a global pandemic.

O’Donnell asked Trump about his shaking hands with CEOs in attendance on Friday, which sends “mixed messages” to the public. And truly, that was a spectacle after each individual spoke at the podium with their hands all over it, then the next dude would go up to the plate and do the same thing. So, it was a good question for our illustrious president. And the president is supposed to lead by example, after all.

“Why are you shaking hands, sir?” O’Donnell asked.

“It’s almost a habit. Frankly, I was a non-handshaker for the most part,” Trump responded. “I noticed it, too political people walk up. They want to shake my hand, and I say, well …”

“Wait a minute, just take it nice and easy, just relax,” Trump said, cutting O’Donnell off after she tried to get a word in. “People come up to me, and somebody put their hand out, and it’s a natural reflex, and we’re all getting out of it — all of us have that problem.”


Kelly O’Donnell was told to “just take it easy and relax” for calmly asking a reasonable question with a pandemic gripping our country. Trump does not appreciate accomplished women who are doing their jobs. There’s probably a good reason for that: Donald Trump is not capable of doing his job, so he demeans others. Also, he’s a sexist fuckhead.

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