Trump Caught On Video Accidentally Nailing A Kid In The Head With Autographed Baseball During World Series Game

Don't quit your day job, dude.

605 points

Donald Trump has long bragged that he could have been a baseball star in his younger years if only he’d really wanted to.

“I was supposed to be a pro baseball player. At the New York Military Academy, I was captain of the baseball team. I worked hard like everyone else, but I had good talent,” he once stated.

However, from the looks of this new viral video, it’s a damn good thing he didn’t quit his day job.

As we’re all well aware, the one-term, twice-impeached president recently attended Game 4 of the MLB World Series (which, he claimed he was personally invited to but, alas, was not, but rather called up Braves CEO Terry McGuirk and requested to come to the game, according to reports) and while he didn’t seem to be booed this time, he did appear to garner a rather nasty glare from his own wife in their suite.

But as it turns out, Melania’s “eat shit and die” look may not have been Trump’s most embarrassing thing to come out of that particular baseball game.

A new clip from the recent World Series game is now making its way around Twitter, showing the former president tossing a signed baseball down to a young boy in the stands below him, only to nail the poor kid right in the top of the head with the thing.

See for yourself:

I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t look like any almost pro baseball player to me.

Twitter, of course, agreed with my sentiment on the ordeal:

Man, it’s a good thing real estate worked out for you because baseball obviously wasn’t your jam.

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