Trump During COVID-19 Presser Complains That Some States “Got Too Much Credit For What They’ve Done”

Here he goes again.

593 points

Donald Trump on Thursday unveiled guidelines for a phased reopening of parts of the U.S. economy that leaves the final decisions up to governors. During his coronavirus task force presser, the president repeated that same thing. As a staggering number of Americans have suddenly found themselves out of a job while self-quarantining to flatten the coronavirus curve, Trump is facing a battle to stay in the White House for another term, so he’s itching to open the economy.

Most of the governors have done an excellent job of handling the pandemic while trying to keep their constituents safe. That’s a far cry from what the president has done; Trump’s actions have been appallingly slow, and the president’s inaction months ago when he first learned of a looming pandemic resulted in the loss of lives.

Still, Trump wants credit for the actions of others. The former vodka salesman did that with former Barack Obama’s economy, too, so nothing Trump says is surprising anymore.

Trump claimed during the presser that some states “got too much credit for what they’ve done” to deal with the spreading COVID-19 outbreak.


Trump didn’t name the governors or the states, but it’s obvious who the bloviating fuckstick is referring to. Trump is talking about Democratic-run states such as California, Washington, and New York. Andrew Cuomo must really be getting under Donald’s thin skin since the New York governor never takes Trump’s bait. Trump is just big mad that Cuomo’s poll numbers have dramatically increased over his handling of the coronavirus crisis, and Americans tune in to watch his daily updates.

As always, President Circus Peanut is making the national crisis all about him. Trump has always been that way, and yet his supporters thought it would be a cool idea to give him the keys to the White House. Trump is jealous of Cuomo and the other governors who have gained attention in the press for doing the right thing. Donald stopped maturing when he reached his teenage years.

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