Trump Interrupts His COVID Presser To “Expose” NYT’s Reporter Over “Fake News,” Says She Should Give Back Her Pulitzer

Good Lord. That went off the rails quick!

612 points

Here we are, living yet another day where Donald Trump holds a ridiculous MAGA rally disguised as a Coronavirus Task Force briefing, while we all sit here and wonder how we’re supposed to pay our light bill and live through even another moment of this nonsense.

Up on the schedule for today’s presser was a hefty rant against the media, the New York Times specifically, and their not-so-nice coverage of him and his administration.

Recently, we covered the breaking story regarding trump’s newest Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and his alleged inability to handle the heat coming out of the Trump White House kitchen. In case you hadn’t heard, it makes him cry.

And now it seems that Donald is really upset that the New York Times said that about his newest slave employee.

During today’s presser, Trump called out the Times’ Maggie Haberman by name, the author of the “Mark Meadows is a crybaby” story, for saying something so mean about his “tough guy” homie and all but demanded that she gave her Pulitzer Prize back for her coverage of the Russian corruption that he’s labeled as a hoax.

He went on to make sure to point out that Meadows, a hand-picked member of his team, isn’t actually a big, fat crybaby who can barely tolerate the “overwhelming” and no doubt completely horrifying dynamic that’s going down inside the walls of that White House, but instead a “tough guy” who’s “not a crier” — but it’s okay if he is because Donald knows several famous people who cry too.

He’s just really big mad that they ran such a “nasty story” about one of his cabinet members.

And no… None of this is a joke.

Take a look for yourself:

My only suggestion at this point is to start laughing now. Because if you don’t, you’ll likely be crying too.

Featured image via screen capture 

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