Trump Voter Furious After Seeing Her Tax Bill Skyrocket 500 Percent, Big Trouble Ahead For POTUS

This will destroy the president.

585 points

As it’s time for Americans to file for their tax refunds, we’re about to see a major decrease in Trump supporters as misguided, gullible Americans further get their hearts broken and find out that Trump and the GOP’s tax law was a bunch of bullsh*t. One such Trump supporter just discovered this the hard way, and she’s blasting the president for it now.

Beth Callori, who lives on Long Island, was a big Trump supporter until recently. Upon seeing her tax bill increase 500 percent, Callori states that she no longer considers herself a fan of the president. In speaking to the Huffington Post, Callori stated that she had an extra $90 in every paycheck after Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into law. She was overjoyed at first. She said:

I thought, ‘Wow, Trump is great, I love him.’

But this satisfaction with the president wouldn’t last long, especially not after her tax preparer told Callori that she owed $5,000 in federal taxes. That was FIVE TIMES the amount she’d owed in the years before. She said:

I almost fell out of my chair. I could not believe it. I voted for Trump. I thought he was going to be good for this country, but when I got that phone call, that’s it, I’m done.”

The Huffington Post stated that Callori’s bill had increased for two reasons — one was because the law Trump signed limits deductions for state and local taxes. The other reason is that her employer shouldn’t have been giving her that extra $90, withholding too little from her paycheck and giving her the false sense that Trump was actually helping Americans.

That amount should have been put toward covering federal income tax instead. But Callori wouldn’t have known that because during that time, the GOP was bragging about how Americans would be getting bigger paychecks, oblivious to the fact that it was going to screw them in the end. Callori said:

I thought because I was getting that, I’m entitled to it.”

Many more Americans are going to find themselves in similar situations soon, so we are going to see another major decrease in support for the president.

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