“Utterly Psychopathic Behavior”: Resurfaced Video Of Trump Giving A Belitting Dad Speech To Barron When He Was Just A Tiny Tot Has People Seething

I feel so sorry for the poor kid.

639 points

Donald Trump’s youngest son, the only child he shares with his third and current wife Melania, has been catching a lot of new media attention in recent weeks, as he recently turned 18, just graduated high school, and has seemingly been dipping his toes into the world of politics, even going so far as to give his ex-presidential father some political advice.

In fact, the media all but lost their collective minds when reports confirmed that Barron had been selected as an at-large delegate for the Florida Republican National Committee to bolster his father’s campaign, leading Americans to believe that Donald’s youngest son was already making his formal political debut. However, the whole thing was quickly squashed when the office of Barron’s mother, former First Lady Melania Trump, released a no-nonsense statement saying that her only son was regretfully declining the delegate offer due to prior commitments.

Nevertheless, people have been keeping a close eye on the youngest Trump spawn as he prepares to begin carving his own path in the world as a bona fide adult. Such a close eye, in fact, that we recently caught what many believe was the first snippet of a recording with Barron’s grown-up voice.

In the hype surrounding that short but revealing clip combined with Barron’s high school graduation, another video clip happened to resurface on social media, hailing from the teen’s days as a tiny little tot, preparing to head to school for the very first time.

In the video, a very young Barron Trump (we’re guessing somewhere around 5 years old) is in his dad’s office with his mother, Melania, as they all talk about the tot heading to his first day of school. The clip starts off pretty admittedly adorable, as his mom tells him all about how he’s going to have lunch and then go to school, as Barron excitedly asks questions and waves at the camera and even pulls out his very own mini briefcase for the big day.

But things quickly get weird and unsettling when the young Barron goes over to talk with his father at his desk.

We hear Donald tell his youngest son to “give me a kiss goodbye.” Barron goes up to his father and kisses him on the cheek and that’s when the then-New York real estate “mogul” and reality TV “star” goes into an unsettling and frankly belittling dad speech on his son who is barely old enough to even read.

We hear the man who would go on to be President of the United States start chastising his young, innocent son about grades, drugs, drinking, smoking, and tattoos — all while his fat finger is stuck in the kid’s face:

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While there were certainly a lot of Right-wing Trump lovers who dubbed this “good old fashioned parenting,” there was also a not-insignificant amount of people who, like me, found Donald’s behavior with his very young child extremely disturbing:

While we have no way of knowing what path Barron Trump will ultimately take in his life, now that he’s officially an adult, there’s no denying that I truly feel sorry for the child version of him who heard a speech like this from his beloved father at such a young age, and I can only hope it helps influence Barron towards the right side of history.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here: https://x.com/theliberalmommy
