Virginia Governor Perfectly Responds To Trump’s There Will Be “No One To Guard Your Potatoes” Comment: “Mr. President — Our Potatoes Are Fine”

The spud wars. Who doesn't remember that?

632 points

Donald Trump made some bizarre remarks today because that’s what he does every day. The president had a meeting with farmers who are working to keep our food supply chain going amid the national crisis. At one point, Trump spoke with a farmer from Virginia, and that’s when things took an odd turn.

“You have five-pound bags. What other size bags do you have?” Trump asked the farmer for no apparent reason. “Gave me a little education on potatoes,” Trump said after the farmer answered him. “That’s interesting. I wonder if the media enjoyed that. I don’t think so.”

Sorry, but it gets weirder.

“We’re going after Virginia with your crazy governor,” Trump said. “We’re going after Virginia. They want to take your Second Amendment away. You know that, right? You’ll have nobody guarding your potatoes.”


Ah, yes, I used to live in Virginia, and remembering the Potato War still packs a sting when I look back. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam tweeted out a response, and it was perfect. I mean, how do you even respond to that?

“I grew up on a Virginia farm, Mr. President—our potatoes are fine,” Northam wrote. “And as the only medical doctor among our nation’s governors, I suggest you stop taking hydroxychloroquine.”

“Let’s all get back to work,” he added.

Yikes, the thought of work might send Trump back on Twitter because the president thinks it’s his job to tweet. All of the country’s governors have a high approval rating for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, Trump’s approval rating is lower than all of the governors in the United States. And we know that bothers the president since he tried to take credit for their hard work last week.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery

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