Wall Street Journal Calls Republicans “Too Dimwitted” To Run Congress

The Wall Street Journal ain't wrong.

562 points

According to an editorial published in the Wall Street Journal, many House Republicans are “too dimwitted” to wield power effectively. The editorial, which was published on February 13th, 2021, argues that many Republican lawmakers lack the intelligence, knowledge, and strategic thinking necessary to effectively govern and navigate the complexities of modern politics.

The editorial cites several examples of what it considers to be poor decision-making by Republican lawmakers, including their support for conspiracy theories about the 2020 election, their failure to effectively challenge President Joe Biden’s agenda, and their inability to develop a coherent message or strategy for the future of the party.

The editorial has sparked a strong backlash on social media, with many people expressing outrage at the perceived insults to Republican lawmakers. Some have accused the Wall Street Journal of elitism and of lacking empathy for the challenges faced by many Republican lawmakers, while others have defended the editorial as a necessary critique of the GOP’s current state of disarray.

In conclusion, the Wall Street Journal editorial stating that many House Republicans are “too dimwitted” to wield power has sparked a strong reaction on social media, with many people expressing outrage at the perceived insults to Republican lawmakers. While some have defended the editorial as a necessary critique of the GOP’s current state of disarray, others have accused the Wall Street Journal of elitism and lacking empathy for the challenges faced by many Republican lawmakers.


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