This Is What Barron Trump’s Alleged Ex-Girlfriend Had To Say About The Former First Son

This is certainly interesting.

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Donald Trump’s youngest son, the only child he shares with his third and current wife Melania, has been catching a lot of new media attention in recent weeks, as he recently turned 18, just graduated high school, and has seemingly been dipping his toes into the world of politics, even going so far as to give his ex-presidential father some political advice.

In fact, the media all but lost their collective minds when reports confirmed that Barron had been selected as an at-large delegate for the Florida Republican National Committee to bolster his father’s campaign, leading Americans to believe that Donald’s youngest son was already making his formal political debut. However, the whole thing was quickly squashed when the office of Barron’s mother, former First Lady Melania Trump, released a no-nonsense statement saying that her only son was regretfully declining the delegate offer due to prior commitments.

Nevertheless, people have been keeping a close eye on the youngest Trump spawn as he prepares to begin carving his own path in the world as a bona fide adult. Such a close eye, in fact, that we recently caught what many believe was the first snippet of a recording with Barron’s grown-up voice.

In all the hype surrounding the youngest former First Son in the present day, snippets of information from Barron’s past have begun to resurface as well — including a TikTok video from a few years ago, posted by a young lady Barron’s age who once went to grade school with Donald’s youngest son and claimed that he was her very first “boyfriend.”

The video was posted to TikTok in June 2020 by the user, @maddatitude, with captions over the video that read, “I went to school with Barron Trump and he was my first ‘bf.’ When Trump was elected he brought the entire class to the White House. We gotta save my bae!”

@maddatitude #fyp ♬ Hatchback – Cochise

The young lady came armed with receipts, including photos in the TikTok of her class at the White House and what appears to be a zoomed-in class photo of herself standing beside a young Barron, jokingly adding the caption, “Sorry gals he’s mine,” with a ring emoji and a kissy face emoji.

While we certainly can’t verify that Barron and Maddie were grade school sweethearts, her claim that Barron’s entire fifth-grade class was invited to the White House after Trump’s election was verified at the time in a 2017 Page Six report, with a source saying of then-11-year-old Barron, “Barron was really sweet. He was so excited to show his classmates around the White House.”

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Of course, the comment section was ripe with questions about the now-former First Son, with particular interest in his personality behind closed doors, to which the young lady was clear that Barron Trump is “the nicest” and “the best.”

Maddie described Barron as a “lil shy boy,” which certainly lines up with the way he’s been perceived by the public over the years. She also told commenters that their grade school romance fizzled out because “he went to Florida for the summer.”

She even posted another TikTok a couple of months later with the “story” behind her selfie with Donald Trump and the captions indicated that fellow parents of kids at the school Barron attended weren’t particularly fond of the 45th president:

@maddatitude the story behind my selfie with Trump😌 #fyp #ACupgrade #GotMilkChallenge #BeautyTips #viral #trump ♬ I am at ur moms house – Elizabeth Chetwynd

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
