Americans Beware, Trump Has Declared Another National Emergency

There's no way this will end well.

554 points

Donald Trump likes to believe that he’s the single most powerful human being on the face of the earth. And honestly, given everything he has and continues to get away with, sometimes it feels like he’s not far off.

With that power comes some pretty serious decisions that are made on a whim. For example, Trump’s national emergency declarations.

The National Emergencies Act was passed to allow the president to activate special powers during a serious crisis that they otherwise wouldn’t have access to. And even a national emergency comes with certain procedural formalities that the president is required to adhere to. But Donald Trump seems to just be using national declaration emergencies as a bandaid — applying them every time he’s wounded by a Congress that won’t do what he wants — and a way to increase his executive power when his tantrums don’t get him the results he was looking for.

Of course, Donald’s first national emergency fiasco was a result of his cruel and unusual border wall that absolutely no one is willing to pay for. Congress rejected his funding over and over again and he ended up losing the longest government shut down in this nation’s history. So, he declared a national emergency as a final “fuck you.”

Today, NBC News is reporting that president Trump has declared yet another national emergency isn’t of just dealing with an issue like a normal human being or the presidents before him — this one entitled “Securing the Information and Communications Technology and Services Supply Chain.”

This order, which is supposed to secure U.S. information technology services, comes on the heels of multiple reports of electronic data breaches by hackers as well as foreign governments, and it’s still unclear what it will entail.

Of course, Trump has known for ages now that foreign governments have been interfering with U.S. technology sources — he knows how he got elected. This declaration is merely a result of him getting caught. And instead of doing things the correct way, which would most likely end in his arrest, he instead decided to toss around his power so everyone knows and understands just how big a bully he can really be.

Featured image via Political Tribune Gallery
