Biden Event Reportedly Canceled After Armed Trump Supporters Threaten Campaign Bus

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Democrats in the small Texas city of Pflugerville, just around 17 miles north of Austin, TX, were forced to cancel a campaign event for former Vice President and Democratic nominee Joe Biden today due to “security reasons” after armed Trump supporters threatened the campaign’s bus, according to a report from Independent. 

The scheduled event was set to take place on the heels of vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ quick, three-city tour of Texas as part of the Biden team’s efforts to gain more ground in the Lonestar state, where Republicans have long had the upper hand, and the electoral college vote is expected to come down to a hair.

FiveThirtyEight’s most recent presidential poll update shows Donald Trump with just the smallest of leads in the traditionally Republican state, but it’s so small that it still falls within the margin of error, making it highly possible for Biden to secure the state, which would help to ultimately secure his win for the White House.

A Democrat running for reelection to the Austin Council, Sheryl Cole, explained that an event featuring the Biden campaign and young Democrats from the town was canceled by officials.

Speaking on the decision to pull the plug on the event, Cole said, “This is a first for me. Unfortunately, pro-Trump protesters have escalated well beyond safe limits. Sorry to all who looked forward to this fun event.”

Texas House of Representatives member Rafael Anchía said that some of the pro-Trump protesters involved in the incident were armed with weapons.

“Armed Trump trolls harassing Biden Bus on I-35, ramming volunteer vehicles & blocking traffic for 40 mins,” he revealed before going on to accuse Donald Trump’s middle son Eric of inciting “violence.”

“At least the Trump hearse is appropriate given the 200K+ Americans who have died due to his incompetence,” Anchía added, referencing one of the vehicles driven by a Trump supporter, used to harass and bully the Biden campaign bus.

You know, we hear so much from Donald Trump about the “violent Left.” Yet, we are not the ones harassing a campaign bus with deadly weapons. It certainly is true… Their projection knows no bounds.

You can read the full report here.

Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore, under Creative Commons license 2.0

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