Bollywood Star Mocks Trump’s Need To Brag About Crowd Sizes

Ouch. That's gotta sting.

550 points

A famous Bollywood director landed a direct hit on President Donald Trump’s fragile ego on Sunday to mark his trip to India.

Trump’s first trip to India took him to the state of Gujarat, where he attended a rally at the Motera cricket stadium in the city of Ahmedabad. There, over 100,000 packed the stands to hear Prime Minister Narendra Modi speak, only to walk out on Trump as he butchered the names of cities, people and sacred texts in a feeble attempt to appease the audience by trying to speak Hindi, the most widely-spoken language.

As we all know, Trump can hardly speak English properly, let alone speak another language. He also has an obsession with crowd sizes, so the fact that the stadium full of people at the start of the event dwindled down to largely empty stands in the middle of his remarks must have bruised his snowflake feelings.

Prior to the event, Bollywood director Ram Gopal Varma mocked Trump’s need for attention and validation on Twitter, taking particular notice of Trump’s expectation that 10 million Indians will turn up to lavish him with praise.

Again, only 100,000 turned up at the stadium and many left afterward while Trump spoke. Varma pointed out that Modi appears to have played Trump by promising “1 crore” (10 million) will show up when only “1 lak” (100,000) did in reality.

In addition, Varma slammed how much money India spent putting on a show for Trump’s ego and noted that the United States likely would not do the same for Modi.

Clearly, Trump did not get the reception he was hoping for in India but you can bet that he will claim everyone loved him and that he had the biggest crowds in history because, in the end, he can’t handle the truth.

Featured image via screen capture

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