CNN Lawyer Claps Back At Trump After POTUS Demands Network Apologize For Showing Unfavorable Poll Against Biden

Doesn't the president have anything better to do?

604 points

Donald Trump has been on a roll for days over a CNN poll that showed Democratic nominee Joe Biden trouncing the president. That was too much for Trump to handle, so he said he was hiring John McLaughlin, a longtime Republican pollster, to dispute CNN’s poll. McLaughlin is one of the worst pollsters a person can hire, but Trump went there.

Then Trump sent legal threats, so CNN’s legal department responded to the president’s campaign. Also, the thin-skinned president demanded an apology over the poll.

“To my knowledge, this is the first time in its 40 year history that CNN had been threatened with legal action because an American politician or campaign did not like CNN’s polling results,” CNN’s letter states.

“To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media,” the statement continued to say.

“Your letter is factually and legally baseless. It is yet another bad faith attempt by the campaign to threaten litigation to muzzle speech it does not want voters to read or hear,” it adds. “Your allegations and demands are rejected in their entirety.”

The CNN poll that was conducted by SSRS and released on Monday that sent Trump into a days-long rage shows the president trailing Biden by a whopping 14 points, 55 percent to 41 percent among registered voters. It also finds Trump’s approval rating at only 38 percent — and his disapproval rating at a jaw-dropping 57 percent.

We’re in the midst of a financial crisis, a pandemic, and racial unrest following the murder of George Floyd by police officers, and the president is trying to retaliate against a network over a poll. That kind of sums up one of the reasons this president isn’t viewed favorably. The president of the United States is concentrating on himself because a poll hurt his feelings while disregarding the very people he is supposed to be representing. People are suffering and grieving, but Donald Trump, the James Woods of Chuck Woolerys, is throwing a pity party.

By the way, I wouldn’t mess with an attorney whose last name is Vigilante.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery

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