Disturbing Billboard Calls President Biden And Vice President Harris “Sh*theads”

This is so tacky, it's not even funny.

571 points

We knew there was no low that the Right wouldn’t sink to in an effort to get some sort of dig in at or make a joke at the expense of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris because at the end of the day, they’re nothing more than bitter, crybaby losers who can’t take a loss when it smacks them in the face.

Since Biden won the election (and especially so since taking office) the Conservative crowd has stooped lower and lower in their immaturity and pettiness with each passing day. Over the months they’ve made targets out of everyone ranging from Joe’s lovely wife, Dr. Jill Biden, to Kamala’s stepdaughter Ella, because she landed a modeling gig that they thought was unfair to Melania.

Literally, the level of childishness in these people has gone unmatched.

But every single time you think they’ve finally stooped to their lowest, they manage to prove you wrong.

And this right here is case in point.

A billboard has recently been erected in the state of Maryland that people are already labeling as “vulgar,” calling the President and his VP “Shitheads.”

The sign is situated on Route 4 in Huntingtown and features cartoon renderings of the President and VP, juxtaposed on two large, emoji-style drawings of poop.


In an effort to really make the message stick, I suppose, the sign features two more cartoon-style images of excrement and is signed “from all of your deplorables in Calvert County,” a clear reference to Hillary Clinton’s now-infamous description of Trump’s base.

The sign hasn’t seemed to break any laws as it’s positioned on private property and meets the size guidelines in the area. However, that doesn’t mean that it hasn’t sparked quite a bit of outrage.

Chair of the Calvert County Democratic Central Committee, Jeanette Flaim, told Fox 5 DC, “It’s just vulgar.”

“Kids are going to school, and they’re going by it every day, and parents are driving their kids. We just don’t think kids should have to see that or parents should have to explain that,” she explained.

She also spoke with the Southern Maryland Chronicle and said that the “deeply disturbing” billboard “does not reflect the values of our County, regardless of party.”

“And it certainly shouldn’t be what our visitors remember us for,” she said.

But despite the backlash, the sign has stayed put, so far.

Board of County Commissioners president Buddy Hance told Fox 5, “There is nothing that we as county government can do for language that’s on a legal sign.”

“You know this country was built on the foundation of free speech, and sometimes we like what that free speech says and sometimes we don’t,” he stated.

Fox 5 has attempted to reach out to the individual responsible for the sign, whose name hasn’t been mentioned in any reporting so far, but has been unsuccessful.

Featured image via Flickr/Joe Biden

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