Donald Trump Jr. Gets Called Out In Front Of Millions For Lies About Dossier’s Author

Trump Jr. deserved this!

580 points

Donald Trump Jr. has once again been publicly called out for his blatant lies and it only gets more embarrassing every time. Recently, Trump Jr. has been pulling out all the stops to try and save his father. One of these false claims he’s been making to protect Donald Trump is that former British spy Christopher Steele backed out of a testimony.

Everyone knew this wasn’t true, and Trump Jr. got blasted for it on Twitter. Steele, who was the author of the dossier that exposed Trump’s links to Russia, was scheduled to do a video lecture about disinformation at the Reawakening the Spirit of Democracy Conference in Baltimore next week, but had canceled. Trump Jr. latched onto that cancellation and used vague reporting from the alt-right adjacent ZeroHedge website which stated Steele was supposed to “testify” at an unspecified location. Pseudonymous blogger Tyler Durden for ZeroHedge wrote:

Perhaps Steele was ‘spooked’ by testimony last week from former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, “who debunked a key claim in the dossier that he traveled to Prague in August 2016 to meet with Kremlin officials in order to arrange clandestine payments to hackers who stole emails from the Clinton campaign and the DNC.”

Anyone with half a brain would have known that it wasn’t a legit report about what was happening, but Trump Jr. ran with it, trashing Steele online to discredit the author and make his father seem less guilty:

Let’s just say people saw right through it and blasted Trump Jr. for spreading blatant lies:

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