Former Trump Aide Who Was Fired After He Couldn’t Pass A Background Check Has Now Been Rehired Seemingly To Weed Out Anyone Who Isn’t A Trump Loyalist

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It seems as though Donald Trump’s paranoia has officially reached a new level when it comes to the inner workings of his White House. And why not, right? He’s had more whistleblowers than a referee convention over the course of his three years as president. When you’re constantly pulling corrupt schemes and scandals out of your hat, what else can you expect?

Now it appears that all those “backstabbing” insiders are really beginning to get under Trump’s skin in the worst sort of way, and his White House as a whole is on a vendetta to do something about it before his chances for reelection officially go swirling down the toilet.

According to a new report from Axios, leading that charge will be Trump’s personal aide, John McEntee.

While McEntee is new to his current position, the man certainly already knows his way around the Trump White House — he was fired from his position nearly two years for failure to pass a background check, only to be recently rehired as a right-hand man to the president.

And now it looks as though he’s doing his best to prove his worth.

Earlier this week, McEntee reportedly ordered the liaison from each White House cabinet agency “to identify political appointees across the U.S. government who are believed to be anti-Trump.”

Apparently, the end goal of the mass doxxing is to “purge the ‘bad people’ and the ‘Deep State'” and ensure that the people who aren’t loyal to Trump don’t receive promotions.

The move by Trump’s newest partner in crime comes on the heels of what can only be described as a childish hissy fit from the president in the wake of his acquittal, in which he went on a mini firing spree against anyone who he felt had slighted him throughout the impeachment process.

For someone that supposedly “only hires the best,” he’s really not having much luck in finding employees who don’t want to see him in a jail cell.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery 

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