Ivanka And Jared Will Reportedly Be Shunned By Society If They Return To Manhattan After Trump’s Presidency

They should be forced into hiding for the rest of their lives.

603 points

Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner can expect to be shunned by society and unwelcome in many quarters if they decide to return to New York City after Donald Trump’s presidency ends.

It’s not just that New York is a blue state that did not vote for Trump in 2016 and will not vote for him again in November. Ivanka and Jared are Trump’s top advisers who have influence but have not used it to reign him in, resulting in multiple national crises.

From kids in cages to the deaths of 112,000 Americans from coronavirus to mass protests on the streets and a skyrocketing debt and deficit, Ivanka and Jared have a lot to answer for. American prestige overseas is virtually non-existent as we’ve become an international laughingstock.

While the couple’s friends have largely looked the other way over the last three and a half years, even they have limits on how much they can tolerate. After all, their association with Jared and Ivanka is starting to backfire on them.

The Daily Beast reports that magazine editor and actress Tavi Gevinson called out members of Ivanka’s inner circle for not openly condemning her and Jared.

That’s putting them in a very uncomfortable position. If their own lifestyle is threatened by their continuing association with Ivanka and Jared, they may decide it’s time to jump ship.

“The further down [President Trump] goes, there is a drag on her, regardless of her role,” a friend of Ivanka’s said. “I’m not sure if the Bible thing was her or Hope’s idea but it was fucking horrible.”

Indeed, Trump had peaceful protesters gassed and shot with rubber bullets so he could stage a photo-op at a church. The action has been condemned around the globe.

A high society expert explained that Ivanka and Jared will likely find themselves to be pariahs if they decide to come back to resume their lives in Manhattan.

“This is a city of many, many circles, and Jared and Ivanka will be welcome in some places and unwelcome in many,” author Michael Gross said according to The Daily Beast. “Mr. Gross, who has met both Jared and Ivanka and described them each as ‘intelligent,’ says it is unlikely the couple will be able to walk into an ACLU fundraiser or even the PEN American Literary Gala.”

“It is likely they’d encounter hisses and boos,” he continued. “I can imagine some people will throw pies in their face.”

So, where would they be welcome?

“I don’t know,” Gross said. “Gatherings of evangelical friends of pussy grabbers? Or kosher restaurants favored by hedge fund hogs?”

The last thing many of their friends want is to have the stink of the Trump presidency rub off of Ivanka and Jared and onto them. That means if society begins to shun them, too, they will be forced to at least distance themselves from Ivanka and Jared. And they should.

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