Ivanka Attends Forum On Peace In The Middle East And Twitter Had Some Thoughts: “She Has No F***ing Idea What She’s Talking About”

Nepotism at its finest, folks.

623 points

There’s really nothing that Ivanka Trump loves more than to ride her daddy’s coattails in an attempt to make herself look, and no doubt feel, like she’s actually someone of importance.

The thing is — she’s not.

Despite the fact that her dear ol’ dad gave her a government position within his administration that she has absolutely no legitimate qualifications for, Ivanka knows absolutely nothing when it comes to policies or even the way the government actually works in this country.

She’s far more suited for like, cheap purses made in China and sold for 10 times the price in the United States.

But that doesn’t stop her from getting out there and trying her best to earn that trust fund of hers.

It’s really not unusual for Trump’s oldest daughter to make a pretty big ass out of herself when she attempts to act as though she has real, true knowledge on the bullshit that spews forth from her surgically-perfected lips.

Hell, the woman has made herself look like a complete fool in front of her daddy’s fellow world leaders more than once — and frankly, there’s little out there that’s more entertaining than watching Ivanka attempt to hold an educated conversation with people that are far above her in both knowledge and importance only to be completely ignored and ultimately butted out of the conversation.

Today, she sat down for something a little more one on one when she attended the State Department forum on the Middle East. However, the lack of prominent world figures did nothing to help her sound as though she was anymore clued in now than she was before.

The eldest Trump girl did her best to ramble her way through the interview, but it was strikingly clear that she had absolutely no idea what she was rambling about. And Twitter users wasted absolutely no time in pointing out as much:

Aside from the fact that she literally has no clue what she’s talking about, she doesn’t have any business being there in the first place. No qualifications other than daddy said she’s cute. Absolutely no education regarding the topic of the forum other than the fact that daddy said brown people are bad.

Somebody get her a Barbie doll to play with so she’ll stay the fuck out of the government.

Featured image via screen capture

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