Justin Trudeau Shows Trump How It’s Done, Takes A Knee At Anti-Racism Protest

Take notes, Trump.

570 points

Donald Trump has been nothing short of a national embarrassment since the day he announced his candidacy for president of the United States — much less when he actually took office and began to dismantle every single thing this country ever stood for in a matter of mere moments after he unloaded his golf clubs in the Oval Office.

However, as the country continues to suffer from the effects of a fatal and wildly unchecked global pandemic, and the wrath of millions of fed-up Americans from coast to coast is brought down on this nation through protests against police brutality after yet another black man was murdered by a white police officer while pleading for his life, this nation’s embarrassment has turned into complete and utter humiliation.

Throughout the demonstrations against police brutality in the United States, Donald Trump has spent his time rage tweeting, defending the bad guys, hiding in a bunker, Hitler-style, and bringing the force of the United States National Guard down on peaceful protesters so he could take a stroll across the street after he was brutally mocked for hiding like a bitch.

Over the past few weeks, numerous countries around the world have joined in on the protests and multiple different world leaders have stepped up to the plate to show Donald Trump how it’s done when your people are crying out for help.

But perhaps no one has done quite as good a job of such as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Trudeau has long been a source of envy for Americans all across the country as he leads his nation with compassion, kindness, and respect. And today, during an anti-racism protest in Canada, he made us all green with envy once again while showing Trump up in the best way.

During the protest, the Canadia Prime Minister was seen taking a knee to show his support for the Black Lives Matters movement:

I could go on for hours about how amazing this is and how absolutely disgusting Donald Trump is. But do I really need to?

I think Trudeau’s actions speak for themselves here, and so do Donald Trump’s.

Featured image via screen capture 

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