Kellyanne Conway Downplayed Racist “Kung Flu” Terminology, Declared “I’m Married To An Asian”

'I'm not racist, I have a friend who's black!'

586 points

As we’re all painfully aware by this point, the coronavirus itself is scary as hell. Regardless of who says what, the novel illness is rapidly spreading around the globe and across the United States, taking the lives of numerous people in its path. All while our federal government, under the direction of the reign of terror we call the Trump administration, does the bare minimum to ensure he has a shot at reelection and absolutely nothing more.

Essentially, local governments have been all but left to their own devices to figure out how to best protect their constituents while individuals are just left hiding in their homes hoping and praying that a cough, fever, or shortness of breath doesn’t make an appearance.

But frankly, COVID-19 itself isn’t the only thing that’s proving to be scary at this point. Some of the “side effects” this nation and the entire world have suffered as a result of the virus are terrifying too.

The mass panic buying that’s leaving the elderly and low-income communities without essential supplies, the already overwhelmed medical system that is only going to get worse in the coming days, and the prospect of millions of Americans going without crucial income for the foreseeable future as more and more businesses indefinitely shut their doors — it’s enough to give even the calmest of people bouts of anxiety-induced tachycardia.

But what some people don’t seem to be taking the time to realize amid all the panic, is the blatant display of additional racism that’s been brought front and center as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak — especially against Asian communities.

Trump himself, on multiple occasions, has referred to COVID-19 with racist terminology, calling it the “Chinese virus.” Many of his key officials have called it “Kung Flu” and “Wuhan virus,” only serving to strengthen the stigma around those of Asian descent.

And now, none other than Kellyanne Conway has added to the pot.

Speaking with a press pool recently, Conway popped off with the equivalent of “I’m not racist, I have a black friend!” when she was questioned by a reporter about officials using racist terminology for the virus.

After arguing back and forth with the reporter, tossing around her patent-pending, nasally “excuse me” a few times, Conway declared to the press pool, “I’m married to an Asian!”

“My kids are… Partly… I’m married to an Asian-American,” she continued. “My kids are 25 percent Filipino.”

I… Don’t have any words here, folks. And words are what I do.

Something tells me her “Asian” spouse isn’t going to take well to his wife using him as a pawn for her boss’ racism.

Featured image via screen capture 

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