Man Drove A Grill And A Truckload Of Food, Parked Right In The Middle Of Mayfield, KY After Tornadoes Destroyed Town — Not All Heroes Wear Capes

The hero we needed.

640 points

Hundreds of miles of the Midwest and Southeastern United States was absolutely rocked by a freak series of severe tornadoes that ripped through 6 states — Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee. The destructions and despair left behind by what officials will call a “natural disaster” (but let’s be frank, freak tornadoes in December aren’t “natural,” it’s Global Warming at its finest) is absolutely devastating, and in many areas insurmountable. The death toll in the catastrophic event is expected to surpass 100… In the state of Kentucky alone.

As you can imagine, people, whole entire communities, lost everything in the blink of an eye. No amount of preparedness can save the situation when a tornado literally rips through your home, through your church, through the factory where you’re working.

One of the areas to be hit the worst was the little town of Mayfield, Kentucky.

As you can see from this drone footage from NPR, the entire town can be described as nothing less than obliterated:

This sort of destruction and wreckage is heartbreakingly tragic on any day of the year. But you add the fact that Christmas is quite literally just a few days away and heartbreaking doesn’t even begin to touch this catastrophe.

However, even with all the bad in this world right now (and God knows there’s a lot of it), there are a few who remind us that there is still good left out there.

ABC News journalist Victor Ordoñez took to his Twitter with video reports of a man named Jim Finch who served as a reminder that not everyone has lost their heart and compassion.

According to reporting, Jim drove down to Mayfield, KY, from his own home with a truck full of food and a grill. Once he arrived amid the destruction and despair, Finch set up his grill and got to working, cooking and giving food and drinks to the people of Mayfield, as they work to put their lives and their home back together:

At one point, the ABC reporter asked Finch if he perhaps owned a restaurant, to which the Good Samaritan laughed and simply responded, no, “it just needed to be done”:

Sometimes it’s hard these days, to see any good left in this world. Especially after all we’ve been through the past several years.

But it’s out there. It’s out there in Jim Finch.

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