Nancy Pelosi Just Responded To Trump After He Left Her In The Dark On Baghdadi Raid

She is sick of his nonsense!

569 points

Donald Trump has officially and unsurprisingly taken credit for something that he deserves no credit for. After tweeting out some ominous garbage last night about something “big” that had just happened, because he’s evidently an immature child, Trump held a press conference this morning to announce that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead thanks to a military raid that was approved by him.

It’s bad enough that Trump somehow believes that he is worth the praise on such an event, considering it was the military personnel involved in the raid that actually successfully eliminated the threat. But it’s worse still because Trump himself disparaged Barack Obama years ago when Osama Bin Laden was killed — spewing all over his Twitter account that Obama didn’t deserve the credit or the praise.

But that whole clusterfuck of a situation has gone from bad to worse when Trump admitted in his press conference this morning that he never even notified the “Gang of Eight” House Democrats, despite it being a customary practice, because he was just too concerned that they would leak the information.

However, he was totally cool with telling Russia.

Now, in the wake of this information, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has issued a statement in response to Trump’s decision to keep Congress in the dark on such a crucial operation. And let me just say, she’s not happy about it.

Pelosi was sure to commend the military for their successful raid first and foremost but made a point to get in a jab at Trump for conducting himself in such a shady manner, issuing him a warning that read, “The House must be briefed on this raid, which the Russians but not top Congressional Leadership were notified of in advance.”

Despite whatever claims that Trump wants to make regarding his decision to defy custom and keep Congress completely in the dark on this ordeal, we all know it boils down to nothing more than pettiness and immaturity from the man that’s supposed to be running our country.

Featured image via Political Tribune gallery 

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