Trump Claimed He’s Never “Had An Empty Seat At A Rally” Even Though Several Photos Prove Otherwise

He doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's lying anymore.

589 points

Donald Trump lies. Trump lies… A lot.

When he first started this whole fiasco, he would kinda, sorta at least try to thinly-veil his lies. As the months have unfortunately gone on, he’s gotten more proud and brazen with his falsehoods.

And we all know that one of his most favorite lies to perpetuate, just short of his alleged height, is his supposed crowd size at those racist-ass KKK meetings that he tries to pass off as a 2020 MAGA rally.

What’s more, you’ll notice that a lot of his lies, falsehoods, and obsessions revolve around size.

And yesterday, Trump didn’t miss an opportunity to harp on his obsession with his rally sizes during a lie-filled mess of a rant while he was supposed to be participating in a cabinet meeting.

“I’m doing this for the country. I’m doing it for the people that show up. I haven’t had an empty seat at a rally,” Trump falsely stated during the meeting before going on to claim that he tells his staff to “just get the biggest arena” when they’re looking for a space to hold one of his events.

“I go into these massive basketball arenas, like in Dallas where the Mavericks play, and fill it up and set a record,” he continued. “I’ve set a record almost every place I’ve been because we just need a little, small stage. We don’t need basketball courts or ice hockey courts.”

He then went on to give one of his typical narcissistic explanations as to why he “takes less than musicians” — explaining that it’s only because he doesn’t have a band on stage with him.

“I’ve set the world record for somebody without a guitar,” Donald claimed to some light laughter.

Of course, the bullshit certainly wasn’t limited to nonsense about the participants at his shindig (this was the same meeting in which he called the Constitution “phony”), but that didn’t stop Twitter users from pointing out the fact that his MAGA rallies aren’t nearly as well endowed as he likes to claim.

For example, he didn’t break any records during his recent event in Texas:

Nor was he taking home any trophies for his New Hampshire rally back in August:

Of course, this is the same dude who regularly brags about how many tickets he sells to these clusterfuck events, despite the fact that they’re free to attend. So really, what do you expect at this point?

Featured image via screen capture 

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