Watch As Town Hall Audience Break Into Applause After Lawmaker Announces He Will Vote For Trump’s Impeachment

This crowd's reaction is everything.

603 points

At his town hall on Saturday, Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ) voiced his support for articles of impeachment against Donald J. Trump, causing members of the crowd to stand up and cheer over his decision. The New Jersey lawmaker said, “Based on the evidence I have seen in the depositions, the hearings and the documents I’ve seen, I believe on the two counts of impeachment that the vote that has been put before us, that the vote should be yes, and I will be voting yes.”

While a couple of boos can be heard from the crowd, an overwhelming amount of the attendees applauded the lawmaker.


And it was a full house.

The House impeachment inquiry has brought a tremendous amount of new information about Trump’s handling of aid to Ukraine. Still, the best witness to his corruption is the “president” himself, who has already admitted to participating in quid pro quo with President Zelensky.

In contrast to Trump claiming that favorable poll numbers prove the impeachment inquiry is a “hoax,” the polls are not in his favor. 50 percent of registered voters approve of the current impeachment inquiry, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. That’s more than the 42 percent who oppose it. Eight percent of voters did not have an opinion.

Trump is even turning on his favorite network, Fox News, over coverage of the impeachment inquiry. The house will meet this coming week to likely vote on impeaching Trump, then it goes to the Republican-led Senate where members will not likely vote to convict their “president.” If former President Obama had done one-tenth of what Trump has openly done, Republicans would have gotten out the torches and pitchforks to demand he vacate the White House.

Trump has divided this country into little pieces and isolated the U.S. from its allies. The cheering you heard in the video clip is a crowd of American citizens who are fed up with an unfit “president” who is out of control.

Featured image via screen capture. 

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