Brace Yourself: Trump Announced To Reporters That He Will Let Us Know Who His 2024 VP Pick Is “Very Soon”

Brace yourself...

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There’s no denying at this point that the midterm elections were absolutely detrimental for Donald Trump and the Republican Party as a whole. What they anticipated to be a “Red Wave” actually turned out to be little more than a pink trickle, with many of the ex-president’s hand-picked candidates, such as Pennsylvania’s Dr. Mehemet Oz, humiliatingly losing their asses to their Democratic opponents.

As a result, multiple reports have indicated that the Conservative crowd, and even some of the most notable Republican figures, have begun to point the finger at the washed-up ex-president, blaming him for the catastrophic election season and turning their sights towards finally moving on from the has-been former guy.

Even the likes of Fox News seem to be turning on the big guy.

But nevertheless, it seems that Trump’s masochism is overtaking his sadism for the time being, as it seems the washed-up, has-been ex-president still so far seems to be rolling full steam ahead with his plans to formally announce his official 2024 presidential candidacy in the coming days.

Recently, we reported on news from insiders who spoke with the Associated Press and said that Donald Trump was heavily eyeing the direct aftermath of the midterm elections as the perfect time to officially announce his 2024 presidential campaign, after what he was expecting to be a landslide win in Congress.

Of course, the midterm elections were anything but a landslide, when it was all said and done. However, to hear Trump tell it, the humiliating election cycle won’t be deterring him from the impending announcement.

Recently, a reporter caught the former guy at what appeared to be his Mar-a-Lago resort and asked Trump flat-out who his vice president pick is for his 2024 run, being that it’s certainly not going to be Mike Pence this go around.

Much like everything else he does, Trump didn’t fully commit to anyone, but instead said, “I’ll let you know very soon.”

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Of course, who even knows when this announcement will actually come.

Reports and speculations have recently been swirling about Trump’s right-hand pick, ranging from the likes of Fox’s Jeanine Pirro to the GOP’s biggest stooge, Marjorie Taylor Greene. So, whoever it ends up being, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that they’ll be terrible.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
