Lauren Boebert Got A Restraining Order Against Her Ex-Husband And Now Whiney Jayson Says It’s “Cruel And Unfair”

Give these two a reality TV show already.

604 points

At this point, I am of the firm belief that Lauren Boebert should just give up her career in Congress, ditch politics as a whole, and start her own reality TV show with her weird, on-again-off-again ex-husband.

The highly-controversial Right-wing Colorado congresswoman has been swimming in so much scandal here lately that she was forced to make a desperate district switch to a more staunchly Conservative area in her home state’s upcoming congressional election in a last-ditch attempt to keep herself in the CO House of Representatives.

Frankly, the scandal, controversy, and public humiliation seem to follow the woman wherever she goes — from wild courtroom appearances with her infant grandson in tow, to nasty hookups in a Walmart parking lot with the man she divorced, to even nastier hookups in a crowded, family-friendly theater with a man who was not her husband.

The latest news in the Boebert family saga was the public altercation that took place at a local restaurant between Lauren and her ex-husband Jayson that allegedly got physical and resulted in a 911 call.

In the aftermath of that mess, reports confirmed that the GOP congresswoman filed for and was ultimately granted a temporary restraining order against her ex-husband and father of her children.

According to reporting from Business Insider, Lauren “accused her ex of attacking their teenage son during a fight on January 9 and for threatening to harm her multiple times.”

Jayson has since spoken out to Denver-based media outlet Westword (which is frankly becoming a habit for him at this point) to publicly whine and cry about the restraining order lodged against him by his ex-wife, calling it “cruel and unfair.”

“It is a prison sentence to keep me from my family,” Jayson told the publication.

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Lauren’s ex-husband further claims to have never made any threats against his ex-wife and accuses the congresswoman of only filing the restraining order to justify her district switch.

“One of the reasons Lauren and I had argued on the night of January 6 was because of the move to the 4th, and her never seeing the boys,” Jayson told Westword.

“It is frustrating that over the last four years, she has not participated as being a mother or a member of our family, and now her move would separate the boys from her more.”

While I certainly never thought I’d find myself defending Lauren Boebert, Jayson’s public behaviors certainly leave no question as to why she filed for divorce. That man has “dangerous red flag” written all over him.

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Andrea Thompson
Andrea has written political opinion stories for over a decade with a passion for center-left policies. Andrea is no longer a writer at Political Tribune and her X account is here:
