Trump Pauses In The Middle Of COVID-19 Briefing To Talk About His Hair: “My Hair Is Blowing Around And It Is Mine”

What a hot mess.

606 points

Donald Trump launched another MAGA rally COVID-19 press briefing today to a weary nation amid the pandemic that is forcing states to basically shut down. Unfortunately, instead of getting any straight talk from the president, we’re met with his daily outbursts, nonsensical rants, and inappropriate comments that have nothing to do with the coronavirus.

At the same time, a panicked nation feels held hostage to the TV to watch Trump in the hopes of hearing something concrete from the man who is supposed to be at the helm of the most powerful country on earth.

But first,  Trump wants to tell you about his hair! Now, it could be that Trump is trying to make a jokey joke, but these aren’t really funny times, especially since the president downplayed the coronavirus since the onset. No, these are not funny times — they are very dark times.

“My hair is blowing around,” Trump informed the country. “And it is mine. The one thing you cannot get away with. It is a problem if you are president.”


Trump did tell reporters he believes the next 30 days are important to flatten the coronavirus curve to stop the outbreak, and he is extending social distancing guidelines by another 30 days, to April 30. That’s great, but Trump wasted months in dealing with the massive outbreak. On January 22nd, he said, “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”

On February 2nd, he said, “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” After a long list of Trump downplaying the pandemic, on March 9th, he said, “This blindsided the world.” By March 13th, Trump said, “I take no responsibility at all”

Then, on March 17th, he said, “I felt this was a pandemic before they called it a pandemic.”

By March 26th, the US led the world in new cases.

But let’s talk about his hair.

Featured image via screen capture

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