Trump, When Asked What He Did To Fill “Cupboards” He Said Were “Bare,” Says “Well, I’ll Be Honest, Uh, I Have A Lot Of Things Going On”

Well, that was a mess.

622 points

Ever since Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force press briefings pretty much got the boot after he seemingly suggested that we all inject disinfectants and shove light bulbs in various orifices to get the pandemic thing done and over with already, he’s been coming up with more and more creative ways to get his ass out in front of a camera so he can get his daily dose of validation — considering those MAGA rallies of his are a thing of the past now, too.

He’s tried his hand at a few more “briefings,” held a positively disastrous Fox News town hall in front of the Lincoln Memorial, and now he’s sitting down for an exclusive one-on-one interview with ABC News, because no matter how disastrous it may be, Trump simply can’t go without that ego boost.

And disastrous it is.

So, so disastrous.

The Fox News town hall in which he declared that he’s been treated worse than Abraham Lincoln, who was literally assassinated, and effectively threw Dr. Anthony Fauci completely under the bus was frankly bad enough in itself.

But Donald Trump is… Well… Donald Trump. And he’s always been the type to one-up himself in the idiot department — which brings me to this evening.

During this exclusive interview that Trump’s been pumping up on Twitter all afternoon, it seems as though he wasn’t quite prepared for the questions he was going to be asked, leading to a rather awkward answer.

Trump has been claiming over the course of this COVID-19 outbreak that this whole ordeal is essentially Obama’s fault, because the “cupboards were bare” when he took office.

Don’t ask me what that’s supposed to mean, because I have no idea.

But nevertheless, the ABC News host attempted to question Trump regarding what he’s done to restock those allegedly bare cupboards in the three whole years that he’s been living it up in the White House.

Trump’s answer?

Well… He’s been real busy, y’all.

“Well, I’ll be honest, uh, I have a lot of things going on,” Trump replied with a rather blank look on his face because evidently no one told him that humdinger was coming. “We had a lot of, uh, people that refused to allow the country to be successful.”

Then he went off on a tangent about Russia, Ukraine, and his impeachment because that’s all he knows how to talk about, I guess.

So, long story short, the answer is nothing, folks. He’s done nothing.

Are you surprised?

Featured image via screen capture 

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