Federal Disclosures Reportedly Show Republican Officials Hid COVID-19 Mask Purchases By Labeling Them “Building Maintenance”

Go figure.

617 points

Donald Trump has long been trying to delegitimize the severity of the coronavirus in the United States and his Republican comrades have been largely following suit. At least, in the public eye, that is.

A new federal filing that came out this week shows that the Republican National Committee spent a staggering $14,000 on “building maintenance” back in June.

Now, when I think of “building maintenance,” I find myself thinking of repairing broken toilets. Slapping on a new coat of paint. Replacing the age-old air conditioning unit. Or paying some guy to buff the floors on the night shift.

What does not come to my mind, in any shape, form, or fashion, is face masks.

Yet, here we are, and as it turns out, that fourteen grand forked over by the RNC had absolutely nothing to do with maintaining any sort of building, but rather went towards the purchase of face masks to help prevent the spread of coronavirus, according to Business Insider and a review released earlier this week of federal campaign-finance disclosures. You know, that potentially deadly virus that’s killed literally hundreds of thousands of people in the United States with no end in sight, that Donald Trump keeps acting as though is magically disappearing before our eyes so it’s cool to send your kids back to school?

Yeah. That one.

While Donald Trump has been “warming up” to the idea of masks lately, he still finds himself flip-flopping on the topic more often than not, and the RNC’s purchase came during a time in which Donald was clearly pretty well against them.

Jake McCampbell confirmed his California-based sporting-goods company StringKing sold $9,301 worth of masks to the RNC, stating, “They didn’t buy lacrosse sticks or baseball bats.”

Kim Williams, the owner of I Bambini Clothing in Texas, also confirmed a $4,500 order of “handmade cloth masks” from her company by the RNC.

Both of these businesses as well as two others that the RNC purchased “building materials” all have face masks available for sale.

Of course, when asked for comment on the matter, the RNC didn’t have much to say, only telling Insider, “As a general rule, we don’t itemize beyond what is required” by the Federal Election Commission.

Now, according to the FEC, the RNC hasn’t actually done anything illegal here. But it still begs the question — why are you hiding it?

This feels a whole lot like the school narrative — “send your own while I protect mine.”

Featured image via Flickr/The White House

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